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Finding your family in Ireland: The Irish census |

(3) The Census of Ireland circa provides a useful tool to assess the distribution of native Irish and immigrant Scottish Mulligans by the mid s. It will be noted, for example, that seven native Irish Mulligan names appear in north Antrim, in contrast, most of the Scottish Mulligans settled in south Antrim. A Census of Ireland, circa Pender's Census of Ireland Pender's Census, or Petty's Census, was undertaken by the English economist William Petty between December and This 'census' was completed on behalf of the Commonwealth government probably as part of the Down Survey. Content. The census provides returns of the inhabitants of most of the country. Jun 06,  · Pender’s not-a-census mapped. When I started doing Irish genealogical research thirty-odd years ago, I stumbled across A Census of Ireland circa (ed. Séamus Pender, Irish Manuscripts Commission, ) in the National Library reading room and my heart leapt. A published census? From ?

1659 census of ireland pdf download

1659 census of ireland pdf download

Province of Ulster Antrim Barony of Antrim. Barony of Glenarme. Barony of Massareene. Barony of Toome. Barony of Belfast. Barony of Dunluce Carry and Kilconrie. Town and County of Carrickfergus. Ardmagh Ardmagh Burrough. Ardmagh Barrony. Tarranney Barrony. Oryer Barrony. Upper Fewes. Lower Fewes. O Neyland Barrony. Donegall Tirugh Barrony.

Raphoe Barrony. Kill McCrenan Barrony. Enishowen Barrony. Downe Barony of Lecale. Upper Iveagh Barony. Lower Iveagh Barony. The Barrony of 1659 census of ireland pdf download Newry. Kinalerty and Duffrane Barronies. Castellreagh Barrony. Ards Barrony. Farmanagh County. Londonderry Citty and County. Terkerin Barrony. Kenaght Barrony. Loghinsholin Barrony. Colraine Barrony. County of Monaghan. Barony of Tulla. Barony of Inchiquine. Island Barony. Barony of Clandirala. Barony of Corcomroe.

Barony of Moyferta. Barony of Burren. Barony of Ibrickane and Burrough of Enish. South Liberties of Corke. North Liberties. Soldiers in Ye Citty of Corke. Cork County The Towne of Kinsale. Towne of Bandon Bridge. The Towne of Moyalle. Barrony of Kinalea. Barony of Kierycurrihy. Barony of Kinalmeaky. Libertyes of Kinsale. The Cantred of Kibrittaine. The East Divison of Carbery. The West Division of Carbery. The Barrony of Beere and Bantry.

The Barrony of Barretts. The Barrony of Kilnatalloone. The Barrony of Condon and Clangibbon. County of Kerry Barrony of Trughanac. The Barrony of Clanmorice. Barrony of Iraght I Connor. Barrony of Maquinihy. Glauneoroghty Barrony. Limericke Citty. The County of Ye Citty of Limericke. Limerick County Small County Barrony.

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Barony of Upperthird. Barony of Middlethird. Citie of Waterford and Liberyes thereof. Molins Barronies. Dublin City. County of Dublin Baronys of Newcastle and Uppercrosse. Barony of Neithercross. Barony of Balrothery.

Barony of Castleknocke. Killdare County Ophaly Barony. Reban and Narragh Barronies. Kilkenny County and Citty Barony of Galmoy. Barony of Ida, Igrin and Ibercon. Barony of Knoktopher. Barony of Fassagh Deinin. Barony 1659 census of ireland pdf download Skillellogher. Towne and Liberties of Callan. City and Liberties of Kilkenny. Kings County Barrony of Phillipstowne. Barony of Coolis Towne. Barony of Ballyaboy. Barony of Ballycowen.

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1659 census of ireland pdf download

1659 census of ireland pdf download

Pender's Census of Ireland Pender's Census, or Petty's Census, was undertaken by the English economist William Petty between December and This 'census' was completed on behalf of the Commonwealth government probably as part of the Down Survey. Content. The census provides returns of the inhabitants of most of the country. Sep 21,  · I have compiled several indexes over the last 30 years. Today we look at the census of Ireland. It is important as a quick location finder for Irish families in the 17th Michael O'laughlin. The Census of Ireland Showing All county locations and surnames as they originally appeared. Family Locations in Ireland This census gives the county of location for every surname, exactly as it was found in the census of in Ireland, in the spelling of the day.

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